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Intel® Web Suite Overview

Search Forecast

On the Search Screen, the user can search by selecting the Intel site, Trading Partner, Material ID, and/or Forecast Type information from the drop-down menus. To search for specific records, the user can also type in all or part of the information for the following: Ship-from, Intel Rep. E-mail, Forecast Number, and/or Material Grouping.

The search page allows the user to select different product/forecast information that is then displayed in the search results page format. This is the default page after clicking the Intel Web Forecast link on the SPS main menu. Once the selection criteria is made, the summary information will populate in the search results format.

Filtering on the Search Page

Listed below is additional information about the Search page. The user can filter data by:

  • Ship-from location: The user can enter an entire ship-from location or partial text for the location. The ship-from location search cannot be used for MAR/ROP.
  • Intel Rep. E-mail: The user can enter entire or partial text for the email address.
  • Intel Site: This field allows users to make multiple selections, by hitting the control key and clicking and highlighting the desired sites. The data encompasses all sites the user has access to.
  • Trading partner ID (subcon in SM is vendor ID): The Trading Partner field allows multiple selections. The list consists of all trading partner names and the 10 digit trading partner ID in parenthesis. The list will be limited to the trading partners that the user has access to (for external, this would be that vendor's trading partner ID, which is set up in their profile).
  • Forecast Number: The user can enter an entire number or a partial number. The system will pull up all records that begin with the numbers that were entered. For ROP and ARM, this is the scheduling agreement number. For FCST, MIDR and TACT, ISSP_PRF and ISSP_ITEM this will be the forecast revision number automatically assigned by the system.
  • Material ID: The Material ID field allows multiple selections, by hitting the control key and clicking and highlighting the desired materials.
  • Material Grouping: The user can enter full or partial text for the grouping name. The system will pull up all records that begin with the letters that were entered. ARM and ROP will always fall under the "direct materials" grouping.
  • Forecast Type: Select the forecast type(s) you would like to view. This field allows multiple selections, by hitting the control key and clicking and highlighting the desired forecast types. The choices are: ARM/VRS, FCST, ISSP_ITEM, ISSP_PRF, MIDR, TACT.
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